tiistai 15. helmikuuta 2011

Day sixteen: Pushing days, not daisies

Exiting day for me. Reason; my last leads for the record were done today!

Woke up before 8 only to find that Ari had'nt even bothered to go to sleep at all. He had been up doing growls on a death metal thrasher and spontaneosly decided that it would be a good idea to try and turn around his haywire sleep rhythm by not sleeping for the whole day. It kinda worked, I think. He got 40 winks in at some point of the day when Ben and I where toiling away in the sugar mines. I DO know that the growls sounded great!
Anyway, I geeked out on my lap top and guitar rig software and metronomed the fuck out of those licks in the last two solos. Maybe a bit too much, because when it came to play at first my mits were saying: "gimme a break already". Plus flu and all that felt like my nose was running faster than my fingers and brain combined. Oh well, went through without too much of a hassle. Good thing Ben was in the control room egging me on with ahem...shall we say "possible rewards awaiting further down (or on) the road". That is if in the here and now meticulous attention was paid to the phrasing of those ellusive alternate picked 16th notes at 182 bpm. Pexi provided the also very much needed punk rock support with his constant demands that "it should not sound like it's made to order". "Ettei tuu tehdyn kuulone..." Loose translation, but little lost.
While I was in the martini lounge nerding off and annoying Ari (who for almost the entire duration of my practice session sat on the other end of the sofa) Pexi was in the studio room putting the finishing touches on some of his bass lines with Janne (who you should know by now is our producer).
During one of his breaks I chanced to ask him how it was coming along and he replied: "Iz spektacular, me fuckin' fapulous!"  So there you have it ladies and gentlemen, straight from the horses mouth, as the saying goes.
Ben also laid down some soulful acoustic guitar today for the song he told you readers about in last nights entry. It's gonna be epic. Already in the demo stages I (not entirely) playfully dubbed it the "Planet Caravan" for the 2010's, but eventually you'll be the judge.

We're officially in to the last push of the sessions. The final heave where the t's need to be crossed, the i's dotted and just generally made sure that everything that needs to be on these 14 tunes is indeed there, so Janne can start the arduous mixing process. Everyone is kind of feeling it, but spirits remain high. With that note Ben went off to put some finishing touches on some final lyrics that are the order of the day tomorrow. We'll see what's in store tomorrow. More cross checking and miscellaneous bits and pieces recorded, plus some vocals for one of the more grandiose songs, is my bet...


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